Terril des Piges Vu de la Place Terril EE

What about now?

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A piece of heritage now officially recognised... and worth preserving!

In Europe, practically all coal mines have now been closed. What was to be done with the terrils, these imposing historical relics? Should they be destroyed, or, on the contrary, preserved and showcased as heritage sites?

For about 40 years, the slag heaps have gradually been taken over by vegetation, creating a captivating rewilded landscape full of potential walking routes. This has opened up a whole world of possibilities. It’s this different perspective, this proud piece of heritage that endured and allowed the slag heaps to gain well-deserved universal recognition.

Most of the slag heaps have been absorbed by the public sector (on a community, local or regional level) and have, as a result, been saved from demolition and have remained open to the public. The new generations have now developed a fondness and curiosity for the story behind these man-made landmarks. They appreciate and enjoy their potential and have found some interesting new uses for the land. New landforms, viewpoints over our plains, the last survivors of biodiversity... the slag heaps of the cross-border mining arc are now very popular indeed! Another great reason to offer even more sustainable and responsible tourist activities.

Terril Saint Théodore ancien 15

© Christophe Danaux